He Fooled the Powers of Hell

Well, this year, it seems Easter has fallen on April 1st—the same day as April Fools’ Day. An odd coincidence… or at least, it would be, if there were any such thing as a coincidence.

I’m sure there are people out there who would take this occasion to say that Easter and all that began it are no more than foolishness, the disciples fooled everybody, and every Easter is an April Fools’ Day. Unless it happens in March, but it’s still a Fools’ Day! They’re wrong, of course, but I don’t suppose I can do much about that. Free speech and all.

But I have a different way to look at it. You see, there were so many people who thought themselves wise, when they were really fools—there still are many such today. No one is truly good and wise but God. And we foolishly wandered from Him until we were lost. But then He came down Himself to save, in the form of Jesus Christ.

Everyone thought Jesus was a fool, and His followers fools for following Him. Well, not everyone, I suppose. But many did. So they decided to end this foolishness by putting Him to death. Then they thought He was a fool, dead and gone. Even His followers wondered if it was so.

But He fooled them all. They thought He was a dead fool. But the Son of God came back from the dead on the third day, for death could not hold Him. The powers of death and Hell thought they had won. But He fooled all the powers of Hell, and SURPRISE! He came back and shattered the darkness.

I suppose it’s fitting that this Easter falls upon April Fools’ Day. “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18) (Watch for a related song this week for Mid-Week Music).

So I say to you this day: Happy April Fools’ Day, and a very Happy Easter! He has fooled the powers of Hell! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!


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